Overall, a very relaxing New Year´s Eve!
Grains for sale.
A girl that absolutely would not leave us alone so we finally paid her 1 quetzale (about 15 cents) to take her picture. It was worth it. She was adorable but a keen (read annoying) saleswoman!
The market spilling up onto the steps of the main church in town.
And a typical scene on the street... about 15 people in the back of a pickup truck (as not many people have cars.)
And for those that don´t have cars, the just walk...
Us on the hike up, still with smiles on our faces. While we knew that it was a 3 hour hike from 1000meters to 3500 meters somehow that didn´t click with me that it meants 3 hours worth of stairs. Our legs were absolutely aching by the top...
Us and the views of the lake from one of the lookouts on the way up.
One of the locals collecting wood from near the top and bringing it down. He has this huge bundle strapped up and is carrying it with his forehead. The guatemalans work really hard.
Some beautiful views from the top... We were definitely happy to get there and enjoy a little rest before the long 2 hours of stairs all the way down. Our legs ached for 2 days after. (I´m not sure what means for our 14 day trek through Patagonia in February.... We´d better start buffing up!)
And out for a few more at Kilpatricks....
Preparing for wedding # 2...
Bob & Kath enjoying a well deserved cocktail after the long drive from New Hampshire.
And after a few too many beverages perhaps....
the singing begins.
Wedding #2
The yummy cake that Mom made.
Me & my little bro.
Us with Kyle´s parents who made it all the way to snowy Ithaca from Sydney (and even drove in snow).
Beard Bash 2007
Singing¨"Friends in Low Places". A very upstate NY ending...