After a day of rest and lounging around, we got very early to hike the volcano across the lake, Volcan San Pedro. The boat came for us at about 6:50 so we got to enjoy the sunrise on the lake.
This is the boat that we got onto (with about 15 people too many). Í´m glad that we´re good swimmers as there were questionable moments when I thought we may sink before getting to San Pedro (a 30-40 minute boat trip).

Us boarding our first Guatemalan tuk-tuk to take us up to the Parque where you begin the 3 hour climb to the summit. (3500 meters) This was propably the scariest and most action packed part of our day....

At the entrance to the trail...
Kyle posing with our guide Domingo. He didn´t speak much english, but that probably helped our spanish effort quite a bit as we were forced to understand and play some charades to understand and communicate. Full immersion.
The sides of the volcano were covered with corn, avocado trees and coffee bean trees (as seen above is one of the many, many coffee trees that we saw on our climb up). The green beans are not ripe, but the red ones (seen below) are ready for picking.

Us on the hike up, still with smiles on our faces. While we knew that it was a 3 hour hike from 1000meters to 3500 meters somehow that didn´t click with me that it meants 3 hours worth of stairs. Our legs were absolutely aching by the top...

Us and the views of the lake from one of the lookouts on the way up.

One of the locals collecting wood from near the top and bringing it down. He has this huge bundle strapped up and is carrying it with his forehead. The guatemalans work really hard.

Some beautiful views from the top... We were definitely happy to get there and enjoy a little rest before the long 2 hours of stairs all the way down. Our legs ached for 2 days after. (I´m not sure what means for our 14 day trek through Patagonia in February.... We´d better start buffing up!)
A lovely sunset back at La Casa del Mundo.