(Kyle didn´t make it because he was being a nerd and back at the school learning verbs.... I, on the other hand, was ready to goof off a little.)
A depictation of how the mayans used materials found in nature to make music.
One of their instruments depicting a spirit. (It is played by blowing into a hole at the top.)
The marimba, the national instrument of Guatemala.

And on to the coffee museum.... (Kyle is going to be a bit sad that he missed this. Very cool!)
The whole process of making coffee, from the bean to the cup.

A breakdown of where all the money goes when yuo buy a cup of coffee. Let me tell you, it does not go to these poor guys in Guatemala slaving away in the hot sun for 10 hours a day raking beans...

This was my favorite. It talks about how important the level of roasting is to the final taste of the coffee. Now I know why I can drink coffee in Australia a bit easier than in the US... less acid with the darker roast for espresso.

The guys working with the beans, during the drying process.

Coffee beans for as far as the eye can see.